Just my 3 in their costumes. 2 years ago they were the 3 little pigs and Holden was soooo not diggin it......He was in Kindergarten and I guess the 3 little pigs were not cool.......he said to me "mom I don't know why we just can't be the 3 little pirates" so ever since then I have been dying to do 3 pirates.....at least a pirate is "cool" I guess
I can not help but take pictures of her, she is such a great little model. I'm so surprised at how easy pet photography is......at least she is easy.... I'm sure there are some pets that give photographers a run for their money :)
I know it has been forever since I have posted but I have been soo busy, it has been hard to keep up. I have had a lot of children's sessions along with senior sessions. It has been great fun and I have really enjoyed every minute!!! I can't wait for more fun as the Christmas rush is about to begin. Here are a few from some recent sessions!!! What beautiful children!!!!
The fall blog contest is coming soon, so make sure and book your session now so that you will be including in the contest. Past session clients are the only contestants chosen for the contest...so you have to have had a session with me first. The spring contest winner won a 16x20 mounted print a $120.00 value.....you could be the next winner!!! I am thinking a free canvas for the fall contest.....what free product would you like to receive? Leave your comments and suggestions on what product you would like to receive if you are the winner.....
Here are some updateed shots of Fiona. She is getting so big. She has gained 3 pounds in under 2 weeks. So she is definitely growing fast. I just had a few people ask how she was doing she I thought I would give an official update. GREAT!
Well here it is the first of October already and soon it will be Christmas. It is time to start thinking about those Christmas cards so here are the cards available for this year. They are all 5x7 in size except for "E" which is a 5x5...a great size indeed. When ordering cards this year please remember that all cards are printed on linen texture paper for a more classy look and feel. Please refer to the letters listed on the cards for ordering purposes. So here they are very classy and chic! ~Enjoy~