I have mentioned a few times how Ava is "one of a kind" she is so funny and has a personality like I have never seen before. I swear she is the most happy fun loving child ever. Everything is a big deal to her. If you need proof just watch the video of her losing her first tooth that I posted back on November 23. When ever she receives a gift weather it is a paper bag or toilet paper that gift is the most special, beautiful thing she has ever got!!! Pretty much her exact words. I am so thankful for a child like her! She sure does make us laugh. Here are a few pics from Christmas morning...as you can see from her expressions she "LOVED" everything! Oh and yes for those of you wondering why she is holding a "clapper" she did get one. Every time the commercial came on for it she would tell us how much she wanted one and that she "just knew" that Santa was going to bring her one for Christmas....so Santa had to :) More of that personality I was telling you about :)
and one of the boys.....they look so thrilled huh?!?!? They are nothing like Ava :)
I love to watch kids and listen to them talk about the things that interest them. You can really tell a lot about their personalities and it always amazes me how siblings can have completely different personalities. My 3 kids are totally different as were these girls. The older girl was just shy and quiet and just an all around sweet heart, ( like my youngest shy little guy) the middle girl was just like my Ava.....outgoing, and chatty, and so friendly while the youngest was kind of a combination.... ( like my oldest) they were all sweet and fun and I love seeing those little things that makes each one special. Here are a few shots for their session...
Isn't this little guy just the cutest with his little pouty face?!?! He is just adorable!!! He really didn't want me taking his pictures but I pulled out a few tricks to get a couple of good ones. My little kitten Vincent worked well....I went in and got Vincent and brought him out to the studio. Mr. B. loved Vincent and even let me get a couple of shots with him and the kitty.
Well I guess they are not actually mine....they are my sisters but they are as close to mine as you can get! I love my girls! Ivy is my girl.....she loves her "meems" and wants to come over a "stend" the night about 5 days a week although we limit it. Puff (Eve) on the other hand is turning into a little stink butt! She is sassy and just tries to do things to be a stinker. She plays these little games with me, you'd have to see it. She used to be sooo sweet. I think she is discovering herself. It is still cute though :) and I still love her even with a bit of an attitude. For those of you who don't know...Ivy is the one with the bob and Puff is the one with the dimples :) They are 18 months apart. I did a little mini session with them for cards for my sister. Now if you only knew my sister. She is soo the opposite of me! I'm of course the big sister with the A type personality and she is the little dependent sister with the "whatever" attitude. She is THE MOST laid back person ever!!! It has always been that way and probably always will. So I said to her..." Hey Al what are you doing for cards this year" and her responce is like always "I don't care whatever you want" so I went shopping and picked out the outfits for the girls and bought them (she of course paid me back) then I took the girls out to the studio and went to work. As far as the cards go that was pretty much the same way. I picked out a card did it up and she said "yup that looks good" and that was it! Well besides me having to print her some address labels too :) Oh me and my sister... we are a great pair! Anyways...I had a ball with the girls....they both have so much personality it is hard not to! Love you girls!
These 2 little blondies were so much fun. Little Miss "R" was a riot with all of the poses. Little girls are always so good at that...I love it! I hope they had a good time here, I would love to see them back again!
Check these out! Noneez Etsy Store (CLICK HERE) This is my mom's store. She makes the most beautiful custom collars. Perfect for the dog lover in your life! :) She can make you any length and color. Now here is a gift that not everyone will be giving!
I had such a great time with these 2 cuties and their pup! Talk about a photogenic dog! I have never had a dog in the studio that was so willing and able. It was like she was smiling. The kids were great (well of course they are my niece and nephew) Sometimes I worry about finding the connection between a brother and sister that have a wide age span like with these 2....he is 11 and she is only 3 but no problem they were just sweet as pie together! I always love that! Now attitude she sure knew how to work those "pouty" faces, leave it to Miss K! Too cute!
I think that most photographers will agree that this is a very busy time of year. I really love this time of year though, even though it is busy and crazy I love seeing all of the kids that come in for Christmas pictures. Here are a few to share!