Well luckily the weather held out in the aspect of no rain, but man was it COLD!!! The wind was just a whippin' and that made it worse. But we accomplished the engagement session.
This couple was great!! They were sooo sweet and up for anything. Which I totally love. We went to a few different locations and got a lot of great shots. Like I said they were great!
Engagement sessions are so different for me. I'm so used to children who run all over, and then I get too busy chasing them and end up falling into the water. Yes, that was one of my prouder moments. I had a little guy about 15 months old and let me tell you he was an active boy!!! He ran everywhere he went. I literally had to chase him....it was great. But yeah, I was too busy watching him and not paying attention to where I was running and I ended up falling off the bank and went right into the water. Yeah, it was pretty funny!!! But hey you gotta do what you gotta do when it comes to getting the shot! So you can imagine how weird it is for me to have people just sit and listen and do what I tell them to do :)
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