So we went to the "Turkey Trot" out at the high school today. The 1st graders had to run one full lap around the track. Holden did really good even though he did not win a ribbon. There were a ton of kids that participated this year. He raced about 25 boys all in first grade. He actually came in 5th or 6th I think. So he did do good, but in his mind he did not. He is very hard on himself.....well the picture says it all! Aunt Al told him if he won that he could stay the night at her house Friday or Saturday and she would rent him a video game, so the first thing he said was "now I don't get to stay the night and get a game." Al told him that he still could. I had to explain to him that there are no loosers and he tried his best and did a really good job and that was all that mattered but he was still bummed. He really wanted to win one of the prizes. I have no idea why. It's not like it was a toy or anything. First was a turkey, second was a cornish hen and third was a package of turkey franks. But instead he got an apple and a yellow particapation ribbon :)
Ava was cold the whole time and Chunk and Eve just sat back and took it all in. Ivy got into watching Boo. She loves her "Boosey"
The kids and I along with Al had a nice visit/lunch with Grandpa and Grandma. The kids really entertained them. Grandpa was amazed at how Ava knows her way around the computer. She is getting really good at playing on "nickjr.com" she loves it because Dora is on there. I think it is good for her too.
I made a doctors appoinment for Ava for Friday afternoon. She has been saying "WHAT" a lot lately when ever we talk to her. At first I thought it was just a phase or something but now I noticed that she has been going up to the T.V. and putting her ear next to the speaker. I know weird...Plus she has been snoring like a 50 year old drunk man! I don't know if it all can be linked together but she has had a few ear infections in the last few months so I thought I would take her in to the doctor and see what is going on.
I'm going to try and get my studio stuff set up this weekend and play around with it. I want to get a picture of Ava in her dance gear and have it put onto the "Nelly Tutu" bag and use it for dance class. We'll see if I can accomplish that :)
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