To make a very long story short Chunk fell off from the bed and broke his arm. He is fine but has to wear the cast for awhile. I'm so glad that I got my Christmas pictures done when I did! That would have been nice in the pictures.
I owe Melissa and Geoff a huge thank you for everything that they did. Thanks again!!!!
If anyone ever needs an orthopedic surgeon, I know one! Not only was he great but the entire office was wonderful. They even gave Chunk the"baby" that he is holding on to.
Mandy!!! So sorry :( Poor little fella. Makes me thankful that Maylie was not hurt....last week I had a scare...she fell off our bed and it is about 3ft off the ground. She cried and cried but was fine in the end. Were you in the room when it happened? Was Jess home to help? So sorry. I just HATE it when the kids get hurt!!!
oh Mandy! i'm so sorry for little Chunk. He sure looks adorable, even with a cast. I'm glad you got in and Geoff was helpful. I hope Chunk recovers quickly.
Awesome job with the pictures! They are amazing- you are incredible!
ps this is Katie the nanny:) My emails under my real name.
Hi Kelly,
No I was not in the room when it happened. So at first I didn't even know what had happened. I mean I did because I heard him fall and then start crying. When I asked Holden he said he hit his head. I knew he didn't because he was saying holding his arm up. So I knew instantly it was his arm and not his head.
No, Jess was at work. Things like this always happen when I'm the only one home for some reason!
Thanks Katie!!
I'm so glad Geoff was so willing to help and now I finally have a straight answer too.
Oh thanks so much! It was fun! I know Melissa was so worried. I just love doing them. They are great!!
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