Welcome to MG Tot Shots best/favorite picture spring 2007 contest. This is how it works....cast your vote for what you feel is the best or your favorite picture of spring 2007. I picked 10 pictures at random and I will have another contest at the end of summer. Whatever picture receives the most votes will be declared the winner. Mommy of the child chosen will win a *FREE* 16x20 print of the winning shot. So go ahead and let all of your friends and family know about the contest and tell them to vote. The poll will be open for 10 days so make sure to vote vote vote! Good Luck to all of the adorable children that are featured in the contest. To all of the other adorable children that were not featured keep checking back for the next contest and don't forget to book your next session to increase your odds! Please only 1 vote per email address per day!!!! And YES I can see what email addresses they are coming from so no cheaters please! If I do see more than 1 vote per day I will throw all of the votes out! So don't be a cheater :) GOOD LUCK!!!
I actually got all 3 of my kids in 1 shot! I still can't believe it. I usually only end up getting a shot with all 3 of them in it about once a year, well unless you consider 1 crying, 1 sticking out their tongue and the other not looking getting them all in 1 shot :) So yes this is quite an accomplishment :)
This one is my favorite :) Just a quick one that I just happened to catch....not sure about Boo though...he looks a little ummmm.....well you know what I mean :)
Ava told me that she "wanted to take pictures" today so I was like alright!!! She is usually too busy playing these days to bother modeling for me Anyways...just a few...by the way on the last one she was looking through the slots on the playhouse/swingset. My husband even said what in the heck is she doing...so I knew you guys would wonder....she makes those strange goof ball faces all the time. That is definitely an Ava face She is a nut!
Yep, Chunk is a goof! He loves gloves! Seriously he will wear the things to bed even. And look at the glasses.....he never puts them on so that they are resting on his ears and then when you try to fix them he'll say "mmmmom don't do that" But he was cool!!! Little stinker was trying to squirt me with the hose.
Happy Birthday to my oldest Boo! He turned 7 today. He is turning into such a little man. I will post some shots of his birthday party from today tomorrow after I get a few things taken care of. It was a fun day. He was very excited about his present that he got. The 2 winners were his new dirt bike and a pair of Heelys.......I'm in TROUBLE!!
So I have had a busy week and didn't get around to posting these on Chunk's birthday so I thought I would now...Chunky had his 2nd birthday on Monday. I can't believe he is 2 already. Boy how time flies! I wish we could just freeze it and keep them at certain stages for as long as we want. I would definitely keep the newborn stage for A LOT longer! I just love newborns!!! The sight of a newborn literally makes me crazy. I go up to complete strangers I see with a newborn and immediately start gushing! They probably think I'm insane. Speaking of insane I was photographing a newborn a few months back. Oh he was soooo sweet and adorable he just did something to me and I literally started to cry when I was holding him!!! Good thing it was my good friends sister's baby or they probably would have grabbed him from me and ran :) It just brought back so many memories of my kids being babies (especially my boys) and I just loved it sooo much when they were babies! Anyways.....Happy Birthday Chunk!! Oh and please excuse how they look, they kind of look like little rag a muffins :) they had been playing all day before the party. And I also wanted to say Happy Birthday to my little Ivy girl! Her and Chunk share the same birthday. Isn't that insane!?!? My sister and I gave birth exactly 1 year apart in the same hospital in the same delivery room, with the same doctor delivering! The best doctor in the world Dr. Dood!!! LOVE him!! Want to hear something even more crazy??? When they brought me up to my postpartum room it was the SAME room that my sister had exactly 1 year earlier.....I know crazy!!! It was like dejavu. And we both had our kids at Butterworth so it is not like we were at some rinky dink hospital that has 3 deliver rooms and postpartum rooms. HAPPY BIRTHDAY guys!!
I just love the one where the sailboat is behind her. I saw the sailboat rolling in and I knew exactly how I wanted it to look. There are not many times when photographing young children when everything just falls into place and the perfect photo is created. I was so lucky it was perfect!! The timing was perfect, her expression was perfect, I just love that one!!!
Just playing outside tonight. Eve is such a good little model. Just send the kids across the road to play football and there ya go....she is content! She loves to watch them.
Oh isn't she just the cutest?!?! She was such a little doll! I had another great session. We did some studio stuff and then went to the park for some out door shots. I love the one of her playing by the water. Notice her reflection in the water...so cute! We just missed the rain too...we really got lucky because it poured! Just thought I would share these....she definitely got my vote for "cuteness"