Anyways.....Happy Birthday Chunk!! Oh and please excuse how they look, they kind of look like little rag a muffins :) they had been playing all day before the party. And I also wanted to say Happy Birthday to my little Ivy girl! Her and Chunk share the same birthday. Isn't that insane!?!? My sister and I gave birth exactly 1 year apart in the same hospital in the same delivery room, with the same doctor delivering! The best doctor in the world Dr. Dood!!! LOVE him!! Want to hear something even more crazy??? When they brought me up to my postpartum room it was the SAME room that my sister had exactly 1 year earlier.....I know crazy!!! It was like dejavu. And we both had our kids at Butterworth so it is not like we were at some rinky dink hospital that has 3 deliver rooms and postpartum rooms. HAPPY BIRTHDAY guys!!
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