But sometimes those are the best.......Did I just say that??
I just love this picture of all of the kids. For those of you who don't know. These are my 3 and my sister's 2 girls. They are more like 5 brothers and sisters than cousins. They see each other on a daily basis. My sister took this yesterday when she was watching the kids for Jess and I while we had an appointment in Grand Rapids. I was so surprised because she NEVER takes any pictures unlike me who always has the camera glued in my hand.
Anyway I thought some of you may enjoy these...... the essence of pure childhood. Hair all a mess and food all over their faces. It doesn't get any better than that :)
Oh and look at Chunk sitting there next to Holden.....he looks like a little "mini-me"......he looks so much like Holden it is scary sometimes.

I just love this picture of all of the kids. For those of you who don't know. These are my 3 and my sister's 2 girls. They are more like 5 brothers and sisters than cousins. They see each other on a daily basis. My sister took this yesterday when she was watching the kids for Jess and I while we had an appointment in Grand Rapids. I was so surprised because she NEVER takes any pictures unlike me who always has the camera glued in my hand.
Anyway I thought some of you may enjoy these...... the essence of pure childhood. Hair all a mess and food all over their faces. It doesn't get any better than that :)
Oh and look at Chunk sitting there next to Holden.....he looks like a little "mini-me"......he looks so much like Holden it is scary sometimes.

Do I recognize that Aunt Laura quilt??...I just love the ones she made for my girls!!
Those quilts are wonderful....I still have the ones Aunt Laura made for Mandy and Alex
I love hem too....they are the best. They never leave the kids beds until they need to be washed. They could use some mending for all of the washings too :)
If Aunt Laura made them for Mandy and Alex...I bet she made the one that is in my moms hope chest with my baby book....mmmm
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