Friday, November 02, 2007

Fiona Is Getting Big....

Look at her! She is almost as big as Ava! She goes to the vet tomorrow she she will be weighed again and given another round of shots. But she is doing good.....still having a little trouble in some areas but hopefully those will resolve soon. In the meantime here are some pics from tonight.


Audrey said...

Man, I love that couch (or whatever it actually is). And adorable Fiona is definitely starting to grow!! Sounds like you're staying super busy!

Mandy said...

Hi Audrey,.....I know it is amazing how fast they grow! Just like a baby :) She has more than doubled her weight already in the 6 weeks that we have had her.
Thanks again!

Ali said...

I'm so loving that couch!!

Would you come to MN and do our family session???


Mandy said...

I would love to.....thanks are too sweet!! :)