Well I finally got to take a shower today. Thank god! It felt so good. I was felling so gross. I washed my hair twice, I don't think I have ever went that long without showering.
So I took off all of the bandages and my new boobies were revelaed. HOLY MOLY do they look different!! I feel like I have foreign objects on my chest. I'm not used to them being so high up. There is quite a few incisions 2 big ones on each breast. I still have to wear the tight binder and the bra. But from what I can see now, Dr. Mann did an awesome job!! I go back for my post opp appointment Monday so hopefully he will tell me that I can wear just normal clothes. I'm looing forward to that.
The vicodin is making me very sleepy so I'm going to try to cut it back a bit.
I would love to post some pics but I don't want to offend anyone. :) As most of you know I'm not a shy person when it comes to that kind of stuff. Just ask Kyle, I gave him the job of video taping Jagger's birth.
The kids are doing good and are being very careful not to climb on me and bump me.
Jess has been GREAT!! I couldn't ask for a better husband. He has done all of the cooking, cleaning, and taken great care of the kids and me. Not to mention ran to the store about 100 different times. He is always aking me if I need anything or if he can get me something.
I am moving around better today but for some reason if I'm up too long I do get light headed feeling. So I guess it is best to just take it easy.
So I just thought I would post an update. Be back later!!