Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I Shot Someone In Detroit!

Well I have have had a great couple of days hanging out and shooting in Detroit with a bunch of fantastic fellow photographers.
Thanks so to all of our gorgeous models for their willingness to be shot all day long!!! A big thanks to Amy Michelle and Chris for all of the hard working planning and organizing this event!
Here are some images from the "I Shot Someone In Detroit" workshop...I have a ton more but I'm pretty wiped out and have to prepare for my little man's birthday party tomorrow.


Jennifer Urbin Photography said...

WOW...beautiful shots girl. Your work is outstanding. I love the first one! Awesome!

Amy said...

How the heck were you getting shots THAT good at night? You know exactly what I mean too, LOL!

Jess said...

Awesome, Mandy. So great to meet you. :)

Jen said...

Great shots Mandy!! I'm jealous I missed the night shoot lol!

Jean Smith said...

wow mandy...are you kidding...these are are ONE TALENTED GIRL!!! love ALL of them! the workshop was great...hopefully there will be another one so we can all meet up again!