Sunday, July 01, 2007

Something Different Today...

OK so I thought I would challenge my self and try some different stuff, other than live subjects. Yeah I was bored and my kids looked like rag a muffins from playing outside all day so I went out to my yard and grabbed my garden statue and decided it would make a good model. I must stay this type of photography is a little are so much more fun and wayyyy cuter like I said I thought I would challenge myself but a still subject really is no challenge, now a 2 year old.....that is a CHALLENGE!
If anyone would like any of these shots printed for framed art pieces just let me know. I can get you whatever you need. Any size available.


Jennifer said...

these are cool, love your colors and effects on these photos.

Mandy said...

Thanks Jennifer!

Rebekah said...

I really love the first one! I am sooo curious about how you got the colour to look so cool... it looks awesome!